What's up guys, welcome to another episode of 10k on the bay, my journey to 10,000 listings. Sorry, I couldn't get a live video up today, it's been busy sourcing. Today, I want to give you five tips on how to get a great deal at a thrift shop. The first tip is to look for thrift shops that are mom-and-pop owned. You want to search for church and mom-and-pop owned thrift shops because they're going to give you a better deal and give you more room to negotiate than a corporate store like Goodwill. In fact, some Salvation Army's and Goodwill's, you can get fired for offering a discount, and they'll under no circumstances do any kind of bundling deal or group discount or anything. I've seen especially in Silicon Valley, there are Goodwills that have a maximum discount of 20%, which is horrible, right? It's so expensive, almost retail prices in my opinion, on a used item. If you're charging ten to thirty dollars, that's almost the actual retail price of what that item is worth, that's what we're trying to retail for on eBay or Poshmark. So they're asking pretty close to what it's going to sell for online. Plus, in my area, thrift stores are very, very busy. Business is booming, either that's because, you know, it's signs of the economy slowing down or people are thrifting, or there might be more resellers, I'm not sure. This morning, we went to Salinas Goodwill outlet because it was one of their grand openings, or it was supposed to be the grand opening, but it ended up not opening. But there were over two hundred people in line, and most of them had a giant IKEA bag. So if you don't think the competition for reselling is growing, it might...
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The Salvation Army Valuation Guide for donated items Form: What You Should Know
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